PICA point member system
Every time you use it, you can earn points and get accommodation discounts
You can make priority reservations!
(Capacity: 4 people, 8 buildings)
Top Page> Accommodations> Trailer Cottage 4
You can choose from the following two types of meals for evening breakfast.
Please specify at the time of booking.
甘みのある脂身と、もちもちした食感の赤身が特徴の「山梨県産豚肉」をメインとした「PORK CAMP GRILL」と、
柔らかく肉厚でジュシーなのが特徴で、噛めば噛むほど肉のおいしさがあふれ出る「山梨県産鶏肉」をメインとした「POULTRY CAMP GRILL」をご用意。
Tap below to check the equipment list.
トレーラー内 約17畳(31.42㎡)
ウッドデッキ 約6.4畳(11.7㎡)
Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Click on the season you plan to use to see the pricing details.
1st tier: Adult price (junior high school students and older)
In the second tier ( ): Child fee (4 years old and over elementary school students and younger)
(Price per person per night / unit: yen, tax included)
(Adult and child common rate: 1 person per night / unit: yen / tax included)
1st tier: Adult price (junior high school students and older)
In the second tier ( ): Child fee (4 years old and over elementary school students and younger)
(Price per person per night / unit: yen, tax included)
(Adult and child common rate: 1 person per night / unit: yen / tax included)
PICA point member system
Every time you use it, you can earn points and get accommodation discounts
You can make priority reservations!
First time camp!